Dating like a Goddess
Where conscious, successful women ditch compromise and heartache and learn to attract, select and enjoyably date soulmate-worthy men who treat you like you deserve
The Dating paradox
Or why the best women often attract “lukewarm boys”, “players” or "projects"
The secret why some women get the best out of men and some don’t
Have you ever wondered why some women, who have less to offer, often get the best guys who treat them like goddesses? Other women, (like you?) are generous, loving, supportive, giving and understanding and yet often end up with the short end of the stick. Guys who don’t call or don’t make the effort you need to feel special, cherished, secure and loved. Guys who make big promises, but don’t deliver on them. Guys who are hot/cold or lukewarm and leave you feeling confused, uncertain or not enough...
It’s super unfair and seems to make no sense. However, this pattern is down to “5 deceptive dating traps” I discovered that almost all women are conditioned to fall into. The more loving and kind you are, the more likely you are to be caught in one or more of these traps. When we are stuck in a trap, not only do we attract Mr. Wrongs, we are actively repelling the high calibre, soulmate-worthy Mr. Rights we desire to be with...
The ugly truth is that 90% of everything you have been taught about dating, relationships and men is at best unhelpful and at worst is actively preventing you from attracting the high caliber man you desire.
Most of our relational conditioning sets us up for relationships full of frustration, confusion, hard work, compromise, self-sacrifice and heartache.
The safe, committed, loving, passionate soulmate relationship of your dreams is out there, looking for you, however as long as you are stuck in one of the deceptive dating traps and in the clutches of unhelpful conditioning, the chances of it finding you are slim. I’d like to help you change this once and for all... Let’s find you the love you deserve!
How to get out of the traps and unleash your secret love superpower
Each of the 5 deceptive dating traps tends to catch women who have very specific (and often hidden) love superpowers.
Once the trap is unlocked and your secret superpower unleashed, the door to a completely different dating and relationship experience is wide open. Dating like a Goddess, here we come...In truth, everything in life is a package deal. Our greatest strengths also lead to our vulnerabilities and vice versa.
Any of the traps that catch you are also a clue to a secret superpower you have that can make your relationships thrive. When we unlock our trap(s), then our superpowers can flourish and help us create our happily ever after.
Curious about which superpower is waiting to be unleashed within you and how it can help you attract your soulmate this year? Then check out our free tools below:
Our free resources that help you find your soulmate
Find out more about your secret love superpower, the trap that blocks it and the antidote that unleashes it...
Curious which love superpower you have and how to harness it?
Discover in this fun,short 4 minute quiz which secret love superpower you have that can help you find a soulmate this year and what Kryptonite has been blocking it.
You’ll also have the option to receive a free mini-guide to finding love, customised to your superpower.
(Example: Lady of Unconditional Love Mini-Guide pictured)
Intrigued to find out more about the traps and learn a completely new, easy, effective and joyful way of dating? Join the webinar!
In this engaging 60 minute webinar you’ll hear much more about each of the 5 deceptive dating traps and how to unlock them. Furthermore you’ll understand why you haven’t found love so far, why you have been attracting the wrong men (hint: its not your fault, it’s your conditioning) and how to change this almost instantly.
We will also automatically invite you to the webinar after completing the quiz if you leave your email and download your free mini guide to finding love.
About me
How comes I know what I'm talking about? And why do I care?
Cassandra de la Thea, MBA
Internationally acclaimed Soulmate & Dating Expert
Creatress of “Dating like a Goddess, “Birthing your man” and the “COEUR method”
Cassandra’s life purpose is to “Uplevel the relational paradigm of our time and end the war between the sexes through teaching men and women how to love each other well and create truly beautiful soulmate relationships that empower and delight both partners.”
After an initial successful career in Management consulting, Cassandra has, for the last 16 years, worked intensely with men, women and couples to help them find, create and restore COEUR (CO-empowered, Ecstatic, Unlimited, Romantic) Relationships.
Her work has been featured in the BBC, Daily Mail, Soho and Grazia and has given Cassandra many insights into the male and female psyche and the art of creating conscious, loving relationships. She offers coaching and training programs for successful men and women who want to learn how to attract, create and nurture the beautiful, committed and joyful intimate relationships they deserve and desire.
In her personal relationship history Cassandra realised just how crucial the “Casting” of the right partner is for creating the kind of incredible COEUR relationships she teaches.
Through her own journey of finding her lifelong soulmate partner, Cassandra developed a new, highly effective, easy and joyful method of “Dating like a Goddess”, which helps women avoid the pitfalls of attracting Mr. Wrongs and finally attract the Mr. Rights they desire.
In this life-changing program she teaches conscious, successful women to ditch compromise and heartache and learn to confidently date like a goddess so that they attract, select and enjoyably date soulmate worthy men, who treat them as they deserve”.
Does that sound interesting? Ready to rewrite your love story into a happily ever after?
Start with the quiz below, find out your unique secret love superpower and discover how to unlock it so you can attract your soulmate in 2024!
OR are you ready to dive right into unblocking the pesky dating traps so your soulmate can find you? Join the FREE WEBINAR!
Click here to join us on our next FREE WEBINAR on unlocking the Dating traps:
"Soulmate Attraction Secrets”
© Dating like a Goddess